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Which type of eater are you?

We could go on and on about fitness and nutrition, so we’ll keep it short. The way we eat can make or break our progress. There has been a bit of buzz lately about the four distinct types of eaters there are in the world: Fuel, Fun, Fog, and Storm. Each type plays a role in how we achieve our goals, and you need to make sure you’re eating in a way that will help you succeed. Spoiler: You can be all four types of eater, and you can change which one you are with a little bit of discipline.

“Proper nutrition is the difference between feeling exhausted and getting the most out of a workout.” —Summer Sanders

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Let’s dig in. Find out which type of eater you are and which is best to achieve your goals.


Fuel eating is all about nourishing your body with the right nutrients to support your workouts and overall health. We hope that most people, but especially athletes, fall into this category. You focus on consuming balanced meals that provide energy, build muscle, and aid in recovery. Think lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, and plenty of whole foods.

Fuel eating is the foundation of any fitness endeavor, whether you’re looking to make basic gains or to push the limits of what’s possible and snag podiums. When you eat to fuel your body, you’re giving it the nutrients it needs to perform at its peak, aka. more energy for workouts, faster recovery times, and better results.

Of course, eating the right things can be difficult sometimes. We’re only human. Here are the pros and cons of Fuel eating.


🟠Enhanced performance
🟠Optimal recovery
🟠Sustained energy
🟠Fitness goal support


🟠Requires planning
🟠Feels restrictive
🟠Takes discipline

Who should eat “fuel” style? To us, everyone, but in general, athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are serious about their training and want to optimize performance and recovery should spend their time in this eating zone.


Fun eating is exactly what it sounds like. Eating food for enjoyment and pleasure. This type of eating is driven by taste, experience, and being a social human. It’s all about indulging in your favorite foods, such as a slice of cake at a birthday party, trying a new restaurant, or having a pizza night with your pals.

Fun eating is a great way to enjoy life, celebrate special moments, and ensure you don’t start to fear foods. However, it’s important to strike a balance. Too much indulgence can lead to setbacks in your fitness progress, especially if it involves high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. That said, fun eating on occasion can help prevent burnout by making your diet feel less restrictive. A little fun is important.


🟠Social Connection
🟠Mental Break


🟠Potential for Overeating
🟠Inconsistent Nutrition
🟠Easy to Overdo

Folks with a strong foundation in fuel eating will do best by dabbling into fun eating without derailing their progress. Like Federer, who loves a plate of pasta before a match.


Fog eating refers to mindless eating—consuming food without paying attention to what you’re eating, often out of habit or boredom. Think snacking while watching a movie or grazing while you’re working from home. Fog eating can create major setbacks in your fitness goals, as you’re more likely to consume excess calories without even realizing it. As we all know, excess calories = weight gain and will likely hinder your progress. This style of eating also makes it hard to track your nutrient intake, so for all you macro monitors out there, this isn’t for you. Fog can lead to potential deficiencies. 


🟠Stress Relief


🟠Excess Calories
🟠Lack of Satisfaction
🟠Goal Hindrance

Fog eating is common, but, in general, is not ideal for anyone—especially athletes looking to achieve peak performance. Becoming more mindful of your eating habits will help you avoid fog eating… We have some suggestions in this blog post to help.


Storm eating is also known as emotional eating. For some, when emotions take over, such as stress, anxiety, sadness, or even happiness, they turn to food. This type of eating is characterized by eating large amounts of food in a short period and is sometimes followed by feelings of guilt or regret.

For athletes, storm eating can significantly disrupt fitness progress. Not only does it involve consuming unhealthy, high-calorie foods, but it can also create a hard-to-break cycle that leads to weight gain, poor nutrition, and a negative relationship with food.


🟠Temporary Comfort


🟠Weight Gain
🟠Emotional Turmoil
🟠Nutrient Imbalance
🟠Goal Hindrance

Storm eating is a lose-lose for anyone, especially athletes. If you are this type of eater, it’s important to address the habit, potentially with a professional, such as a nutritionist, but also a therapist or counselor.

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For Athletes

It’s no surprise that fuel eating is the optimal choice for athletes, and you can get there with a bit of planning and discipline. While it is important to incorporate some fun eating into your diet to keep you mentally and socially balanced, you need to be strong enough to avoid derailing your progress and falling into the traps of fog or storm eating. Focus on fuel eating and be mindful of your eating habits to create a sustainable diet that supports your fitness journey and helps you reach your athletic goals.

“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.” —Jack LaLanne

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