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Wake Up To The Power Of One

5 Ways To Start Your Day For Success

Sometimes, getting out of bed and getting started is the biggest hurdle you’ll have to jump to achieve your goals. But what if hitting that snooze button at any given moment was a missed opportunity to hype yourself up for success?

How you start your morning has a huge impact on how successful you’ll be each day. If you start your morning in a crappy mood, not doing anything, just loafing around on the couch, then of course, you’re not going to have a successful day! But, if you wake up in a crappy mood and then have an awesome morning routine on your side, you can shift your mindset into one for success!

“You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both of those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self-motivation.” — Homer Rice

Here are 5 ways you can start your day for success!

Start with a healthy breakfast

They always say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s true! What you eat for breakfast can change how you feel for the rest of the day, physically and mentally. A nutritious breakfast can give you an energy boost and a mental boost to head into the day! Foods like oatmeal, greek yogurt, and eggs are well known for being great, healthy energy boosters. Plus, starting your day with a healthy meal can help you feel like you’ve already succeeded at one thing just by eating breakfast!

Are you a frequent breakfast skipper? Try starting your day with a nutritious smoothie or protein shake, or try meal prepping to have meals ready to go, so there’s no excuse for not having the time! 

Set your goals for the day

This part is easy, we promise! Creating a to-do list of what you want to accomplish each day can give you an extra push to follow through on your daily goals. Making a daily to-do list can help boost your productivity by holding you accountable and helping you plan your day by creating a loose schedule. If you’re a big fan of taking advantage of those reminder notifications, you might want to try an app like todoist, for a simple checklist, or Any.do, which has a great “plan my day” feature.

Take a minute for visualization and meditation

Whether you take time for a visualization exercise or just a minute for a relaxation meditation, taking a moment to pause before you start your morning can be so beneficial. If you try a visualization exercise, you’re heading into your day with the power of manifesting on your side, bringing what you want into reality with your dedication towards the goal. A morning meditation session can also improve your mood, increase stress and anxiety, and improve your concentration and productivity! 

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Get your body moving

Getting your body moving early in your day can improve your mood and productivity! Now we’re not necessarily talking about heading to the gym and taking on a full weightlifting set — unless you really want to do that! We’re talking about a short jog or walk around the block, doing morning stretches or yoga, or a HIIT session. Not only do morning workouts get your body warmed up and ready for the day, but it's also a fantastic way to wake up your mind so it’s raring to go! Morning exercise can make you feel more alert, improve your mood, and even help you get better sleep! If you’re doing a low-intensity workout, like a walk or yoga, it’s not always necessary to eat beforehand. But, if you’re doing something a bit more intense, it’s important to eat before you workout, so your body has the nutrients it needs to keep up with the exercise.

Get the most challenging things out of the way

Whenever we look at our to-do lists for the day, it’s always so tempting to avoid the most challenging thing and do all the easy stuff first. Even though doing easy tasks first can be a simple way to get started on your to-do list, it can make it harder to follow through and finish with the harder goal when you finally get to it. Doing the difficult things first, usually the most important thing, will make it much easier to do those smaller things. After you complete one big thing first thing in the morning, you’ll have that mindset of “if I can do that, these other things will be a breeze!”

Bottom line, a morning routine that works for you and makes you feel your best will set you up for a day of success. A simple routine, plus consistency, will have you set up for successful days every day! 

“The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and launch, get started, take action, move.” — John Wooden

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