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4 Tips to Manage Back-to-Back Races
Back-to-back races aren't unheard of in the world of triathlons, and it's definitely not impossible. But preparation is key to safely managing back-to-back races.
As tempting as it is, you can't always just jump in, expecting your body to perform at its peak. You have to work for it.
Here are 4 tips for managing back-to-back races:
“The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.” – Juma Inkangaa
Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is vital. Pull out your calendar, and write down all the events you want to participate in. How much time do you have between each event? Which ones require more training or prep? Which ones are most important to you? No matter what, you'll need time to recover and rebuild so you're able to perform at your best. Planning ahead and prioritizing the events you're interested in will help you figure out what's best for you and your body. If you know you'll need extra prep and training for one event, maybe skip out on the one that's the day before.
Practice, practice, practice
With any sport, practice and training are essential. You can't expect your body to just be ready for whatever you throw at it; you have to put in some prep work. Mimic the conditions of the races you're going to be in. If you have a 10k on Monday and then a 5k on Wednesday, practice doing those distances with the same amount of time in between so your body knows what to expect. Doing practice races can also help you deal with any anxieties or nervousness that comes with races by taking a little bit of the unexpected away from the situation.
Have a recovery plan
Post-race recovery is essential. You can't skip recovery whether you have a few days between races — or hours! Your body and mind need recovery time to work at the level you want them to. Hydration, protein, and nutritious meals are the key here. Rehydrate your body with electrolytes and make sure you're getting healthy meals before, between, and after your races. It's also important to let your body rest so your muscles have time to recover and rebuild so you can come back stronger than before!
Listen to your body
Doing back-to-back races isn't impossible without the right plan, preparation, and recovery. But it's important to listen to what your body is telling you. Listen to every little sign your body gives you. If you're not hitting your goals or are more tired than usual. Maybe you didn't fuel yourself enough before; maybe you need more recovery time after. Listening to your body helps you understand your progress, limits, and what you need to do to keep improving.

It's all about preparation and knowing yourself. Nothing can stop you with a solid game plan, proper training, and commitment. It's up to you to have the motivation to follow through.
So, let's see what you can do.
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